Ryozen castle site at Mt. Ryozen 360 degree single-node faststart
QTVR movie
福島県伊達市霊山町霊山 霊山城跡 360°QTVRムービー
Mt. Ryozen, Ryozen town, Date county, Fukushima prefecture, Japan
Camera : Nikon F5
Date : 25. October 1998
Movie drag direction : Horizontal
霊山寺・霊山城跡 霊山寺は859(貞観元)年、慈覚大師によって開山され、山頂の伽藍跡、中腹の寺屋敷、山王社、遠くは古霊山の遺跡群からなり、東北山岳仏教の一大中心地として栄えました。
The Site of Ryozenji Temple and Ryozen Castle The Ryozenji Temple was founded by the priest, Jikaku Daishi in
859. and prospered as the center of mountain worship in the Tohoku
district. It was a complex of temple buildings at the top, priests'
residence and the Sanno shrine halfway up, ant the Fururyozen
relics. Centuries passed and on January 8 in 1337, during the Nanbokucho
period. Kitabatake Akiie, govennor of Mutsu, moved the government
of the northern part of Japan from Taga to Ryozen Castle, showing
respect for the imperial Prince Noriyoshi ( later Emperor Go-Murakami
). This Ryozen Castle was Ryozen Temple which had been diverted
Murakami). Ryozen Castle is well-known as the place where Kitabatake
Akiie started westward on August 11 in the same year, being ordered
to attack the Shogun Ashikaga Takauji by Emperor Go-Daigo, in
August of 1347, surrounded by the Northern Court. Ryozen Castle
was burned to the around and surrendered. Today only the stone
foundation reminds us of that time. "the Nanbokucho period : the period of the Northern and Southern
Courts from 1336 to 1392. Ashikaga Takauji was on the side of
the Northern Court and Emperor Go-Daigo was on the side of the
southern court, They were hostile to each other."
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